
【中心講座】Future Technology Interaction: XR, Haptics & AI

【講座時間】112年 11月 24日(五) 11:00-12:00

【講座主題】Future Technology Interaction: XR, Haptics & AI




【講     者】政大資訊科學系蔡欣叡副教授


Hsin-Ruey (Ray) Tsai, currently an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Digital Content and Technologies Program at National Chengchi University (NCCU), joined NCCU in August 2019.
He received his Ph.D. from National Taiwan University (NTU) in December 2017, visited the University of Tokyo 2017-2018 and was a postdoctoral researcher in NTU until July 2019.
His current research interests are XR haptics and XRAI interactions in the human-computer interaction (HCI) field.



Extended (or cross) reality (XR) research has been growing to achieve immersive and versatile XR experiences. While visual and audio feedback have been extensively explored, haptic feedback, which involves complex physical changes and is perceived by different neurons on the body, remains an area of ongoing research.

A lot of haptic sensations are still not achieved or explored by off-the-shelves products and relative research. As a result, there exists a gap between the current state of XR haptic effects and the expectations portrayed in the movie Ready Player One. Furthermore, when it comes to bridging the virtual and physical worlds in XR interactions, the challenges and potential are much greater.

Besides physical experiences from XR haptics, with the development of LLM (large language models), integrating artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in XR interactions could enhance users' mental experiences in XRAI.

This talk will introduce a series of our XR haptic and XRAI works, sharing the process and experience of performing novel technique research in human-computer interaction (HCI).





























